Hooking Read online

Page 6

Me: How do I know this is really you?

  Alexander: Every surface of my room at the Four Seasons

  My face heated and between my legs tingled. That fast. Lying frozen on my bed staring at my screen, I was unable to reply.

  Alexander: Give me your phone number so I can call you?

  Me: Alex, I don’t know if that’s smart.

  Alexander: Please?

  I debated. It was probably the dumbest thing I could do, but I found myself sending him my number.

  I’d barely hit the send button before my phone was ringing. Nervously, I glanced at my closed door. My parents had gone to bed earlier, but I didn’t want them to hear me talking to Alex.

  “Hello?” I answered softly. God, I needed my own place.

  “Sydney.” My name sounded like a prayer coming from his mouth, and it sent my insides flipping crazily. No matter how bad of an idea I tried to tell myself this was, I reveled in the sexy rasp of his voice coming through my phone. It was definitely the real Alex.

  “Alex, I told you we couldn’t have a relationship.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship?” It was my turn to think ouch. Which then had me questioning whether I was capable of having a strictly sexual relationship with him even if we weren’t employed by the same franchise. It wasn’t my norm, but I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t at least tempted.

  I sighed. “Alex, why are you calling me?”

  “Can I come over?” No sweet words or placating bullshit.

  “No!” The thought of him showing up at my parents’ door was enough to bring me to the side of my bed. My feet hit the floor, and I began to pace. “Why would you want to come over at this time of night anyway?”

  “Because I want a repeat of that night.” He had no shame whatsoever. Brutally to the point.

  “Oh my God. Alex,” I said as my body rebelled against my protestations. My heart was working overtime, wetness pooled between my legs to the point my inner thighs were damp, I trembled, and my voice wavered.

  “I’d be willing to bet you’re already wet for me.” His sultry tone poured through the line like warm honey. My face was on fire, and I was thankful he couldn’t see me at that moment.

  “Alex, you can’t talk to me like that.”

  “Why not? Would you rather I discuss the weather? Maybe lie to you?”

  “No, but I’m not losing my job because of your craziness. Besides, we don’t really know each other.”

  “Now there’s where I’d have to disagree with you. I’d say we know each other very well and in the most important way—the biblical sense.” A smile was evident in the tone of his voice. My hand palmed my face as I growled in frustration.

  “That doesn’t mean we actually know each other. That just means we fucked,” I bluntly announced.

  “Stop talking dirty to me. You’re getting me all worked up, and you’re probably going to leave me hanging. Am I right?” His voice sounded suddenly pained, and I couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out.

  “I’m not going to see you tonight,” I firmly agreed. If I was honest, the biggest reason was because I was living in my parents’ home. The problem with that was it should’ve been because I knew it was wrong and would end badly.

  He sighed. “You’re killing me here, Syd.”

  “Oh, please. I’m sure a big hockey star like you could easily find someone to join you in bed. You certainly don’t need me.” Though I sounded confident, as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I hated them. I hated the truth in them, and I hated how badly it hurt to think of him finding someone else to screw.

  It shouldn’t, because we were nothing to each other. Any relationship between us was likely forbidden. Yet the thought of him with someone else the way he’d been with me that night made my stomach churn.

  Stupid, because I wasn’t the only woman he’d been with, nor was I likely to have been the last woman he’d been with. Ugh, that thought didn’t help any of my inner turmoil.

  “Need and want go hand in hand. Except I don’t want someone else. I seem to be ridiculously enraptured by a certain dark-haired woman who’s insistent on leaving me with blue balls.” He was laying it on heavy, complete with a pitiful tone and a little fake sniffle. I snorted at his ridiculous behavior.

  “If that’s even slightly true, it’s only because you’re one of those twisted individuals who wants what you can’t have. The unattainable simply holds more interest than it should.” It seemed like I was trying to convince myself of my supposed intelligent insight as much as I was him.

  He huffed a heavy sigh. “You’re full of shit, but I’m going to let you think you’ve won because I haven’t even packed a single thing for our road trip. I’d give up every ounce of sleep if you said you changed your mind, though.”

  “That’s not going to happen. But good luck with your games.” Feigning disinterest, I clutched my phone tightly as if it would keep him on the line. My pacing stopped, and I stared out my window into the dark night sky.

  “Can I call you while I’m gone?” His pleading tone sent a pang of longing through me. Why, oh why did he have to affect me that way?

  In my head I screamed. Yes! Yes! Call me every damn night!

  Then the logical side of me took over. I hated that side. Grrr.

  Exasperated, I slumped my shoulders and dropped my head. “What part of it being a bad idea wasn’t clear?”

  “You’re saying we can’t be friends, either?” he prodded.

  “Friends with benefits, you mean. Jesus, you’re relentless,” I grumbled. He chuckled, and I wanted to throw my phone because of the frustration he aroused in me. Aroused was a really good word for what he did to me. Especially considering I knew it couldn’t go anywhere.

  “In case you were wondering, there’s no actual policy on fraternization.” He dropped that tidbit, and I had to wonder what possessed him to look that up.

  “No actual policy….” I trailed off.

  “I mean, it’s frowned upon, but not forbidden.”

  “Translation: While they won’t fire you for that, if you’re caught fraternizing, they’ll find something to shitcan you for,” I drawled. My tone was dry, and he sighed.

  “I guess I don’t know,” he finally admitted. The disappointment in his voice actually made me feel bad for him. It was like he was a little boy who’d been told he couldn’t have dessert.

  “On that note, travel safe and have a good trip with successful games. Goodnight, Alex.” My firm response was met with silence. It should’ve made me feel better that I’d effectively shut him down, but it didn’t.

  “Goodnight, Sydney” was his forlorn reply. The phone went dead, and I began kicking myself. The little devil on my shoulder questioned why I couldn’t have gone to his place and had a repeat performance of the best sex of our life. She went on to insist no one needed to know.

  Remembering that night, even the little angel on my other shoulder was tempted.

  I tossed and turned for hours after hanging up. Thankfully, Fridays weren’t overly busy. Alex was going to be the death of me if he didn’t let this drop.

  “Wicked Garden”—Stone Temple Pilots

  A slap shot that sent the puck right between the goalie’s legs as he tried to drop to the ice won us Saturday’s game. With it happening twenty seconds before the buzzer, all we had to do was play an elaborate game of keep-away for the remaining seconds of the game.

  Once the final buzzer sounded, we celebrated and ignored the chirping of the opposing fans.

  Grins on all of our faces, we listened to the brief pep talk from Coach before we hit the showers.

  “Kosinski!” Beck called out from across the shower bay.

  “What?” I yelled back before dipping my head under the water.

  “Wanna hit the hotel bar when we get back?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I said as I went back to get dressed. I didn’t want to admit that for some reason, I wasn’t feeling up to it.

  The trip to the ho
tel was boisterous as everyone rode the high of our win. Twice, I checked my phone to see if maybe Sydney had messaged me. Not that I expected her to, but I was curious as to whether she’d watched the game.

  “Hey, I need to make a quick phone call,” I said once we reached the hotel. Beck and Baranov gave me a fist bump before they made a quick pit stop in their room and went back downstairs. McGregor followed me into our room.

  “You calling your dad?” he asked as he plopped onto the bed and turned on the TV.

  “Huh? Um, yeah.” I stuttered slightly because I didn’t want to admit I was calling a chick, and I especially didn’t want anyone to know I was contacting one of the franchise employees. Because regardless of what she decided, I didn’t want her to lose her job.

  “Cool. Tell him I said hello,” he said as he flipped through the channels.

  Irritation simmered that he was waiting for me, but I didn’t want to make big deal of it. Instead, I stepped out onto the balcony. As I pulled up her number, I hesitated. Chewing on my lip, I questioned my sanity.

  Sydney had said she didn’t want to hook up again. I was pretty sure it was the risk of getting caught that was stopping her. So why wasn’t I dropping her like a hot potato? There were so many fish in the sea that I didn’t need to chase pussy. I’d certainly never done it before.

  Why was I willing to risk so much now?

  Something about her intrigued me. It had since that first night, even besides the fact that I could honestly say I’d never had such off-the-charts sex as I’d had with her. The few hookups I’d had over the off-season left me feeling empty and off. There was physical satisfaction in it for my dick, but it wasn’t long-lasting and never really fulfilled my needs. In fact, after the last one, I wasn’t interested and hadn’t bothered making an effort.

  Instead, I’d poured my energy into working out and spending time with my dad. I’d essentially been celibate since midsummer. Unless you counted jacking off to her memory.

  Jesus, it made me sound like a real wuss. What the actual fuck?

  Checking over my shoulder to see that McGregor was still engrossed in the TV, I hit call. Might as well complete the pussification cycle.

  “Well, congratulations. Good game” was her immediate greeting.

  “I didn’t figure you’d answer,” I admitted with a wide grin. I leaned over the balcony and ignored the cool breeze as I took in the Nashville lights.

  “I’m not that rude, though I did consider it.” I appreciated her honesty.

  “I’m also surprised you watched the game. More research?” A smirk stole across my face as I stared out over the city and waited for her reply.

  “Something like that.” There was a rustling in the background. It gave me pause.

  “You busy?” I asked, trying to sound like it was no big deal that I was curious.

  “Getting ready to go out with Natalie,” she replied, and I straightened. She’d been out with Natalie the night I met her. In fact, Natalie had hooked up with my brother.

  “Oh? Where are you two headed?” Though I tried to sound casual, I knew it didn’t come across that way. Fucking hell, I was turning into a puss. And all over a girl who didn’t want anything to do with me other than work or chatting on the phone, it would seem.

  “Just down to a little bar in Cedar Park. There’s a live band playing that she said was really good.” The jingling of keys was followed by the sound of footsteps on stairs. “I’ll be staying overnight with Natalie! See you in the morning!” she called, but it obviously wasn’t to me.

  By then I was confused and pissed. It dawned on me how little I knew about her. A million questions sat on the tip of my tongue that I had no right to ask. A small part of me was tempted to call Coop to see if he would go down to check on her. Except I didn’t want to admit to him that I was interested in a repeat with her. I’d never hear the end of it.

  There were the sounds of a car starting and then I could tell I was over the auto system.

  “I should probably let you go.” Irritation bloomed in my tone. I sounded like a jealous dick.

  “Are you okay?” She sounded concerned.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I blurted, even though that was a question.

  “Sure,” she suspiciously replied.

  “Are you seeing someone?” My eyes slammed shut, and I dropped my head because I sounded like a fucking girl. Her profile pic of her kissing that guy still haunted me.

  She sighed but didn’t answer right away. During the silence, I wanted to ask what she was wearing. It better not be something sexy. I found myself on the verge of asking for a selfie so I could see. Then part of me wondered if she actually lived with someone and that’s who she’d called out to. Was she with them when we’d met that first night? Was she planning on going out and cheating on them tonight?

  I needed to stop. Things were getting ridiculous. All I’d wanted was another epic fuck with her. At least that’s what I wanted to believe. Instead, my mind was going crazy over her.

  “No. But Alex, that’s irrelevant. Nothing can happen between us. You know this, and I know this.” Part of my spirit lightened at her admission. There wasn’t anyone in the picture at the moment. I could work with that.

  A knock on the glass had me looking over my shoulder to see McGregor tapping his watch. I gave him a thumbs-up.

  “Well, have fun but not too much fun.” I sounded like a grumpy old fart. She laughed. I loved the rich sound of it. “Drive careful.”

  Drive careful? Jesus what am I? Her father?

  “Will do. Good luck tomorrow night. I’ll be watching, so don’t mess up,” she teased with laughter still bubbling in her voice.

  “Gee, thanks.” I gave a wry grin that was lost on her. “Later, Syd.”

  “Bye, Alex.” The call ended. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair that had fallen over my face.

  I stepped back into the warmth of the room. “’Bout time,” he said as he put his wallet in his back pocket. He glanced back at me. “You okay? You look like someone pissed in your skate.”

  “Yeah, it’s all good. Let’s go.”

  He studied me for a minute, not believing what I was saying. I could see when he decided to let it drop. “Cool. We don’t have much time.”

  He was right. We had an early morning flight, a practice skate as soon as we landed, then the game tomorrow night.

  We were silent on the way down the elevator. The door slid open silently, and the din from the bar could be heard from down the hall. Many of the guys were already there.

  “Goddamn, took you two long enough! Were you getting your bromance on?” Beck called out when we approached. The rest of them laughed. McGregor and I both flipped them off.

  “He was on the phone,” McGregor offered as he stepped up to the bar to get us each a whiskey.

  “Calling your girlfriend?” Halvorson asked snidely as he raised his drink to his lips, holding eye contact the whole way. What the hell was he getting at?

  “Fuck off.” I narrowed my gaze at him and accepted the short glass from McGregor. Ignoring Halvorson, I leaned on the bar and watched the TV absently.

  Manicured nails slid over the white fabric of the dress shirt I still wore. Disgruntled, I dropped my gaze to the hot pink tips and raised them to the green eyes blinking at me. “Hi,” she said and bit her lip, trying to look cute.

  It never failed. A few of the bunnies always found out where we were staying and showed up at the hotel bar. Each one hoped to hook up with a hockey player for the night—or for good.

  “Hey,” I said and returned my gaze to the TV. McGregor and Beck stepped up, and I noticed one had already latched on to McGregor’s arm. With a raised brow, I gave him that really? stare. A shit-eating grin accompanied by a shrug was his response.

  That niggling little voice in my head that was responsible for getting me in a lot of trouble told me the brunette was right up my alley. If I was fucking her, I wouldn’t have to listen to McGregor fucking the ch
ick hanging on his arm.

  A flash of midnight black hair caught my attention from the other end of the bar. Even knowing it wasn’t her, it still reminded me of Sydney, and the chick trailing her nails on my arm lost my brief interest.

  Then I remembered she was out with Natalie. Maybe she was already grinding against some other dude like she had with me. Hell, maybe they were already on their way to his place. Anger simmered in my chest at the thought.

  Turning toward the brunette, I gave her my most alluring smile. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  The alarm was blaring in my ear as I lifted my face from the pillow it was smashed in. Pushing my hair back out of my face, I groggily look around and sat up. McGregor lay facedown with his arm over the chick from last night.

  My head rolled over toward the pillow next to me. I grabbed it and threw it across the way at him. “Get up, fucker!”

  He grumbled and turned his head away from me.

  Shaking my head, I scratched lazily at my chest as I sat on the edge of the bed. The legs of my boxer briefs had ridden up in my sleep, so I tugged them down as I stood. A massive stretch to try to wake up more had me groaning. Then I closed the gap between the beds.

  A wicked grin curved my lips as I looked down at his bare ass. “You shoulda gotten up.”

  CRACK! My hand smacked down on his lily-white ass, and he instantly howled, coming straight up in the air out of the bed.

  “Goddamn motherfucker!” he grumbled as he held his ass with his morning wood bobbing. I raised a brow at his display, and he flipped me off.

  “You better get her out of here before Coach finds out she was here all night. You know how he gets about that shit the night before a game.” Not waiting for him, I headed to the shower. As I closed the bathroom door, I heard him telling her she needed to get going.

  The hotel shower was nice and hot. As I closed my eyes and tipped my head back to wet my hair, I was reminded of the shower in the Four Seasons that night. There hadn’t been a more beautiful sight than Sydney on her knees with my thick cock in her mouth. My hands had been clutching her hair as I’d guided her at the pace I needed.